The Photosculpture process was invented one hundred and fifty years before the 3D-Print. It prodigiously mixed Photography and Sculpture technics. That makes sense to exhibit them now at the Stanford University – Cantor Center for Visual Arts , in the creative Silicon Valley

No more than two vintage prints of this legendary image by Gustave Le Gray (1820-1884) are known in the world. One was kept in an American museum and the second one belonged to Galerie Gerard Levy. It is now possession of Musée du Havre, France

The famous painter Eugène Delacroix (1798-1863) understood how Photography could influence his Art practice. He asked some photographs, among those Durieu, to create a made to measure album presenting nude models. This true piece of history is now at the Bibliothèque Nationale de France

The King of Illustrators imprinted his Fantasy on a gorgeous symbol of Elegance. This extraordinary object painted by Gustave Doré (1832-1883) joined the widest European fans collection at The Fan Museum – Greenwich, London

This masterpiece chinese fan was a special order made in 1824. Each of its ivory stick is carved in a meticulous work, showing different scenes. Le Musée de la Nacre et de la Tabletterie – Meru, France, selected it as a unique example of an ancestral know-how.